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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Advanced Sustainable Design



Registrations are not a programmed number.

For students with a Degree obtained in ITALY

Graduates in Disegno Industriale (class L-4) have access to the Master's degree program, provided they hold a number of credits related to the ICAR/13 SSD of not less than 36 CFU.

Graduates in the following degree classes also have access to the evaluation, again with the obligation to hold at least 36 CFUs in the ICAR/13 SSD in order to register to the Master's degree program:

  • L-3 Discipline delle Arti figurative, della Musica, dello Spettacolo e della Moda
    (Disciplines of Figurative Arts, Music, Entertainment and Fashion)
  • L-9 Ingegneria Industriale
    (Industrial Engineering)
  • L-17 Scienza dell’Architettura
    (Architecture Sciences)
  • L-21 Scienze della Pianificazione territoriale, Urbanistica, Paesaggistica e Ambientale
    (Territorial, Urban, Landscape and Environmental Planning Sciences)
  • L-25 Scienze e tecnologie Agrarie e Forestali
    (Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies)
  • L-43 Tecnologie per la conservazione e il Restauro dei Beni Culturali
    (Technologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage)


The Didactic Committee evaluates the training path of the candidate and assigns possible curricular integrations (formative debits), which must be compensated before enrolling in the Master's Degree.

The same procedure is followed in the case of a degree obtained from Isia, Academies of Fine Arts or other recognized institutes.

In the case of a Bachelor's Degree mark lower than 95/110, the Didactic Committee will conduct an interview and an evaluation of the portfolio for the purpose of verifying the personal preparation of the candidate.

The opinion of the Committee is unquestionable.


For students with a degree obtained at ABROAD

Graduates in the following disciplines - Product Design, Interior Design, Communication Design, Architecture - have access to the Master's Degree Program with a degree obtained in foreign Universities.

The Didactic Committee - through the evaluation of the curriculum and the portfolio that must be attached to the application- evaluates the training path and assigns any curricular integrations, which must be compensated before enrolling in the Master's Degree.

The opinion of the Committee is unquestionable.


To enroll is necessary:

  1. Apply for nulla osta(permit clearance) by filling in the "Domanda di valutazione ai corsi di laurea magistrale (Application for evaluation for master's degree programs) - Italian language" (link)
  2. Send to the email address nullaosta(AT) the Application form completed with the following information:
    > Exact title of all exams
    > SSD (Scientific Disciplinary Sector - example: ICAR/13)
    > CFU
    > Date of the exam
    > Rating (in thirtieths)

The Application for evaluation will be submitted to the Didactic Committee and the resolution will be sent by email.

  1. After obtaining the nulla osta(permit clearance), the student can proceed with the enrollment through the offices of the Segreteria Studenti (Student Secretariat) of Via Gino Capponi 9 in Florence.

There are no deadlines for the submission of the Application for evaluation, if not those related to the release of the necessary nulla osta (permit clearance) for the enrollment.

last update: 21-July-2018
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